The design concept for the logo of the Lab of Aerosol-Cloud-Climate Interactions aims to embody our capabilities and practical spirit in uncovering the complex relationships between aerosols, clouds, and climate. As the interactions between aerosols and clouds contribute the largest uncertainties in evaluating global climate change, we have made it our priority to investigate the sources and properties of aerosols, cloud condensation nuclei, and ice-nucleating particles, as well as the microphysical properties of clouds. Our research is based on field observations from ground and mountain stations, aircraft, icebreakers, and other platforms. The logo incorporates the climate change stripes to highlight the significance of our work in addressing this important issue.

Research Overview

Aerosol-cloud interactions contribute to the largest uncertainties to estimate the Earth’s changing energy budget.

The research focus of Dr. Gong’s group is to quantify the effects of atmospheric aerosols on radiation, clouds, and climate in remote marine environments and polar regions.

This includes understanding the abundance and sources of cloud condensation nuclei and ice-nucleating particles, and the perturbation on cloud properties.



欢迎参加西湖大学可持续发展与环境前沿交叉论坛 [link]

Liwen Wang (Research Assistant) joined our group.

Kaiqi Wang (Research Assistant) joined our group.

Xianda Gong, Contribution of local blowing snow and long-range transported pollution to aerosols in the central Arctic during winter and spring, International MOSAiC Science Conference 2024, Alfred Wegener Institute, Potsdam, Germany

Gong, X. et al. AGU Advances (2023) was highlighted by Editor Prof. Bjorn Stevens, “Measuring Link Between the Chemistry and Physics of the Atmosphere”. [link]

Xianda Gong, Understand Aerosol-Cloud-Climate Interactions Based on Field Measurements, Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research (TROPOS), Leipzig, Germany

Xianda Gong, Arctic warming by abundant sea salt aerosols from blowing snow, 兰州, 兰州大学 [link]

Xianda Gong, Arctic warming by abundant sea salt aerosols from blowing snow.(2023 中国极地科学学术年会专题报告) [link]

Xinze Geng (Research Assistant) joined our group.

1. Dr. Jiaoshi Zhang from Washington University in St. Louis visited our lab and gave a talk about "Upper tropospheric particle formation by stratospheric air intrusion". [link]

2. Dr. Yuanlong Huang form Eastern Institute of Technology (EIT) visited our lab and gave a talk about "Solving Stiff Atmospheric Chemical Kinetics with Neural Networks". [link]

Xianda Gong, The First International Conference Chemical Weather and Chemical Climate. (CWCC2023) [link]

Xianda Gong, Arctic warming by abundant fine sea salt aerosols from blowing snow, 数字极地专业委员会学术报告2023第5期(总第21期) [link]


Arctic warmth from blowing snow was chosen as the cover artical by Nature Geoscience. [link]

Xiaoyu Xu (Ph.D. Student) joined our group. [link]

Dr. Shengqian Zhou from Washington University in St. Louis visited our lab and gave a talk about "sea surface dimethyl sulfide gridded dataset with daily resolution". [link]

宫先达,气溶胶-云-气候相互作用:基于北极到南极海域的外场观测研究,上海,上海大学 [link]

Yaohua Du (Administrative Assistant) and Yuhan Cheng (Research Assistant) joined our group.